Our HSAP arranged a field trip to a local water works. We hadn’t visited for a four or five years. The weather was nice enough for us to notice the motors and pipes above ground this time around. Most of the employees were there to maintain the equipment — which has been in use since 1877. We have some mind blowingly great quality pipes, eh?
Our tour guide was excellent. He was a machinist, and stressed at the bio lab that education was involved to work there, at the chem lab that education after college was involved, in the central control hallway that staff certification was involved, at the end while we sat on top of the world’s second longest, 3.2 mile, underground infiltration gallery, that as someone in his 60′s with a physical handicap, he goes to class three times a year to keep up in his areas of expertise. “If your brain works, that is reason enough to live.” He was fired up about primary and secondary education and teaches trigonometry at DMACC. His name is Gus.
This is the kind of teacher everyone needs to have.